CBSE cuts syllabus by 30% for classes 9th to 12th
New Delhi : CBSE cuts syllabus by 30% for classes 9th to 12th
Chapters on federalism, citizenship, secularism, demonetisation, GST removed from Class 11, 12 syllabus
The Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus for classes 9 to 12 has been reduced by 30% this year due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, core concepts will be retained, according to Human Resource Development Minister Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank.
This means that Class 11 students of political science will not study about federalism in the Constitution during the academic year of 2020-21. Political theory sections on citizenship, secularism and nationalism have also been removed, according to the details on deleted sections, available on the CBSE website.
In Class 12, the topic of India’s relations with its neighbours has been deleted, along with sections on social movements, regional aspirations, the changing nature of India’s economic development, and the Planning Commission. Business Studies students will not study the concept of demonetization, Goods and Services Tax, or the impact of government policy changes on business with special reference to liberalization, privatization and globalization in India. In History classes, students will not study chapters on understanding partition, or on peasants, zamindars and the State.
For Class 11 students, the core English course will not include exercises to write a letter to the editor, or apply for a job with a resume.
Ref : thehindu.com/news/national/cbse-cuts-syllabus-by-30-for-classes-9-to-12/article32014378.ece