Importance of Soft Skills : Mrs Bindu Gupta
New Delhi : Importance of Soft Skills : Mrs Bindu Gupta
Soft skills are personal attributes that influence how well you can work or interact with others. Hence, skills make it easier to form relationships with people, create trust and dependability, and lead teams.
These skills are as essential for your personal life as they are helpful in your professional life and growth of your career graph. That is why along with academic performance we need to lay more emphasis on teaching soft skills in schools.
Most interactions with people around you require some level of soft skills that help you gain their trust and confidence. Here is where the great role of soft skills comes in, used effectively, it will not only help you having good relations with your family and friends but it would also help you in accelerating your career progression.
On the other hand, lack of soft skills can limit your potential, or even be the reason for the downfall of your growth, be in terms of school or college life or in professional life. By developing strong leadership, delegation, teamwork and communication abilities, you can smoothly and positively influence your life by improving how you interact with others.
Your work ethics, attitude, communication skills, emotional intelligence and all other personal attributes are the soft skills that are crucial for career success. Knowing how to get along with people and displaying a positive attitude are crucial for success.
I have shared my personal views on the basis of my experience in the education field for the last 27 years. I have also been the Main Observer of CBSE, recipient of several awards from various organizations like Brainfeed School Excellence Award , Eldrok Excellence Award in Promoting Value Education 2019, AYUSH Friendly School for awareness programme on Yoga among teachers and students, International felicitation by way of “National Teaching Excellence Award” by AIEWP ( International Association of Educators for World Peace affiliated to UNESCO, UNICEF on World’s Teachers Day and also State President(Delhi) of IUEF – International Union of Education Forum Happy reading and keep learning new skills ahead.
Mrs Bindu Gupta
Former Principal

Importance of Soft Skills : Mrs Bindu Gupta