Isolation and distancing, helped me to realise the best in me – Nandini Arya, The Mann School
We, the citizens of all over the globe, are going through the same setback, which is none other than ‘CORONA PANDEMIC.’
According to the Indian council medical research, there is no such antidote created to fight with this terrible deadly disease. But as we all are well known to the sayings like there is no problem without solutions and prevention is better than cure. In the reference of these thoughts, our respected Prime minister Sh Narendra Modi Ji had declared 21 days of complete Lockdown in our mother country, to fight with this virus together.
This solitary confinement has really affected many of our lives, both good and awful.
Personally, I feel lucky to have this time as it has helped to take a few steps better in my life to nourish and nurture my skills.
I love to write, the time when I have nothing to do, I spend in reading blogs online, or I am trying to write a book on Mental Health, which I recently started.
I had also attended an online personality development workshop which brought out the best in me. I got to realise my traits and personality, which is very important for an individual to know.
I have started playing online games too, which is very fascinating. I have tried watching new movies. It is very pleasing and refreshing. I help my mother to do the households in the morning; she is pleased about my new learnings.
Now I am looking forward to painting and planning to learn the craft.
As a citizen, we all should understand the importance of quarantine and social distancing. We have a lot to do and a lot to learn, there is no limit to it. We should not hesitate to enrol ourselves in learning new things. I hope everyone will ‘Stay home and stay safe.’
Class 12
The Mann School, Delhi
#NandiniArya #StudentJournalist #TheMannSchool #K12News #Covid_19 #Isolationanddistancinghelpedmetorealisethebestinme

Isolation and distancing, helped me to realise the best in me – Nandini Arya, The Mann School