National Science Day 2021: Career Beacon organizes events for Students
New Delhi: National Science Day 2021: Career Beacon organizes events for Students
Career Beacon invites entries on account of National Science Day. The programme is initiated by Career Beacon to trigger science popularization activities throughout the country and disseminate scientific education about the current issues of science and technology amongst the country’s students. The primary objective of observation of National Science Day is to spread the message of the importance of science and its application among the people.
Career Beacon envisages two broad objectives.
To spread a message about the significance of scientific applications in the daily life of the people,
To encourage students to popularize Science and Technology.
Direct link to register for competitions
The 14-day event is being held in a virtual mode where the students of schools across the country are participating. All the four events, including essay writing & short videos, are conducted on Career Beacon website.
Students can register themselves at www.thecareerbeacon.in & register for the contest, each entry will get a weightage from Science Teachers and with a public polling window.
Debate & Quiz with live polling shall be organized on February 28, 2021, and shall be streamed live on Youtube.
Entry to all competitions is free.
Who can register – Anyone who believes Science is Fun and science is everywhere.
How to register: use the below form Click to fill the form https://forms.gle/hi62MPy8QA3yd8Hy5
Way Forward: Shortlisted entries shall be awarded and broad coverage in Career Beacon and its partner channels.
National Science Day is celebrated across India to appreciate Educational Institutes, Students and Teachers that work in favour of the advancement of technology India. We should contribute to the betterment of our society by doing our bit.

National Science Day 2021: Career Beacon organizes events for Students