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On 18.05.22, DAV Public School, Gurugram held a ‘Yoga Competition’ for students in class III, and on 19.05.22, for students in classes IV and V.

On 18.05.22, DAV Public School, Gurugram held a ‘Yoga Competition’ for students in class III, and on 19.05.22, for students in classes IV and V.

On 18.05.22, DAV Public School, Gurugram held a ‘Yoga Competition’ for students in class III, and on 19.05.22, for students in classes IV and V.

“In all parts of life, yoga is about rising to a new level of balance and skill.” (Sadhguru)
Five students from each house competed in this inter-house competition. The competitors were all well-prepared for the competition. They did a number of yogasanas almost effortlessly, and the assessors were blown away by their power, grace, flexibility, and posture. The judges struggled to choose the winners. Kirti house participants took first place in Class III, Neeti house participants took second place, and Jagriti house participants took third place. Kirti house participants took first place in classes IV and V, Shakti house participants took second place, and Jagriti house participants took third place. The Yoga Competition was a breath of fresh air, reinvigorating our faith in yoga’s wholesome benefits. Our school’s young yogis demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that yoga is more than just about being flexible and staying healthy; it is a way of living for life.


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