‘Pracheen Kala Kendra Professional Classical Junior & Senior Diploma’ at The Mann School
‘Pracheen Kala Kendra Professional Classical Junior & Senior Diploma’ at The Mann School
78 Students of The Mann School appeared in the exam of ‘Professional Classical Junior & Senior Diploma’ conducted at Mānn School in affiliation with Pracheen Kala Kendra.
Major Highlights:
1) 5 students qualified five-year Senior-Diploma in mere three and a half years that makes them eligible for Govt. jobs as Primary Music Teacher.
2) 48 students got distinctions.
3) 13 Students got above 90%.
4) 10 budding Musician-students of the school have been invited to participate in ‘Indian Classical International Concert-cum-Competition’ to be held in Singapore and Malaysia in May–2020.
Examiner for the Practical exam was Mr Subrata De–Sitar Maestro, Bishnupur Gharana & International Coordinator of Classical music.
The Mann School were highly praised for their performances in Indian classical music and manners & etiquette.
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