Stay Home Stay Safe – Zoya Rizvi, The Mann School
Staying home nowadays must be a part of our daily routine. It must be annoying for some and exciting for others.
During this pandemic of COVID-19, staying home is the safest and reliable thing to do. Staying home protects you from casual social gatherings and help encourage social distancing more effectively. Staying home also protects us from unknown viruses, infections and diseases like COVID-19, which till date has the absence of a vaccine.
Even our government also promotes the policy of staying home. They have strictly enforced lockdown all across the country to social gatherings as COVID-19 is highly contagious, infectious and extremely harmful. Even those who wouldn’t suffer dire consequences from infection or even exhibit symptoms and could still expose more vulnerable people.Whether the elderly, uninsured, undocumented or unwell to the diseases should isolate themselves.
We should behave as responsible citizens and follow personal moral quandary.
We should use our epidemiology, ethics and lessons from past pandemics to fight this uncertainty and help in the progression of the nation unitedly.
Zoya Rizvi
Class 12
The Mann School, Delhi
#ZoyaRizvi #StudentJournalist #TheMannSchool #StayHomeStaySafe #K12News #Covid_19

Stay Home Stay Safe – Zoya Rizvi, The Mann School