The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes
The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes

The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes

New Delhi : The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes


1. CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child for + 2 studies –
2. Renewal of Online applications of CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for
Single Girl Child X Pass awarded in 2019.

The details and eligibility conditions along with the application form are available on Board’s website i.e. at Scholarship Link. The last date for submission of online applications is 10th December,
2020 and hard copy of application form (renewal only) has to be submitted on or before 28th December, 2020. Hard copies received after the last date shall not be entertained.

The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes

The Central Board of Secondary Education invites ‘Online applications’ from eligible students who have passed Class X Examination 2020 from the CBSE affiliated Schools for the following Scholarship Schemes

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