Academic Changes in CBSE affiliated schools during Pandemic
Academic Changes in CBSE affiliated schools during Pandemic

Academic Changes in CBSE affiliated schools during Pandemic

” Academic Changes in CBSE affiliated schools during, ‘Pandemic’.

1. The COVID-19, crisis has disrupted daily life in countless ways. For schools, the last four months have been an unplanned experiment in remote learning.
Going through a period of change is very challenging and emotionally draining with the end outcome almost always unforeseeable and unpredictable:
Following measures adopted by all the CBSE affiliated schools on the guidelines of the CBSE :

1. Virtual learning is a new normal now.
2. Online Classes: blended approach
* Technology to be used as a tool for learning.
3. Assessment online: small test, project based, inter group
4. Practicals: it should be reformed to make it “at home”.
5. Assessment for special needs: parents, online experts expertises to be provided
*Special programmes to be chalked out by teachers to meet the needs of special children.
6. Assessment Rubrics to be scientifically designed.
7. Focus on competency based learning: mental, emotional, physical, academic.

*Alternative academics calendar by CBSE to be followed :
•The activities are to be conducted by children and parents at their homes. Parents may be guided by teachers. They can be guided via social media channels.
•In AAC, Art integrated learning is there. Focus should not be on content but on learning outcomes. Mental health is to be emphasized by encouraging Yoga, Art, Music, Indoor games. Learning to be made more joyful through art integration, E-pathshala, Diksha and NROER can be used in addition to AAC,!where academic books and video content is available.
*Swayamprabha channel can be watched by students who have simple mobiles from 9 AM to 5:30 PM.
•More collaboration should be there. Children should be engaged by their peer group, parents and siblings using the available resources.

•CBSE encourages assessment by peers, self-assessment, observation by parents and assessment by teachers. It is not based on pen-paper right now. Students can do project work.
•Children to be involved in assessment process through self and peer assessment.
. Introduction of key competency testing of students should be incorporated.
•Guide students to download resources and go through them as per their convenience.
•In various activities multiple intelligence should be targeted for holistic development of children by emphasising on Strength.
*Emphasis should be given on students learning through multi disciplinary activities and projects.Model, not Deficit Model.

*Focus should be on learning & learning outcomes rather thanks content and testing by school.
•School Calendar is flexible.
so Sole motive should be for students to become self-learners.
•The deletion of topics , 30 percent syllabus should not be impacted the teaching-learning process in virtual classrooms. These topics should be integrated in other subjects very beautifully. Nothing should be missed by this one-time rationalization.
*Address the challenges with positivity and spread positivity.
*Prepare children to face competencies so that they can compete with children from other countries as well.
*Activities to be done by students with teachers guidance and parents must also be involved.
*Focus on holistic development of the child.

Harvinder Kaur
Jaypee Vidya Mandir
Tomri, Bulandshahr

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