This App has been developed to fight against COVID -19 which is useful for every
Students, parents, teachers , other staff and their family members
Arogya Setu App & Protocol for Immunity Boosting – CBSE
Arogya Setu App & Protocol for Immunity Boosting – CBSE
1. AROGYA SETU APP : This App has been developed to fight against COVID -19 which is useful for every
Students, parents, teachers , other staff and their family members. This App can be down loaded
IOS : itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id505825357
Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nic.goi.arogyasetu
2. PROTOCOL FOR IMMUNITY BOOSTING: Ministry of AYUSH has developed a protocol for immunity
boosting measures for self care of kids.
For Full Detailed News : http://cbse.nic.in/newsite/attach/23_Circular_2020.pdf
#ArogyaSetuApp #ProtocolForImmunityBoosting #CBSENews #K12News