D.A.V R.K Puram organised -‘Model United Nations’ Conference on 19th Nov’22
D.A.V R.K Puram organized -‘ Model United Nations Conference on 19th Nov’22 on the agenda ‘Climate Action’- SDG 13. Mr. Mohit Chauhan alumni of our school were the Guest of Honour at this conference. He is a journalist for ‘NEWS18’.The Conference was divided into 3 committees –
- United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
- World Health Organisation (WHO)
- United Nations Environment Assembly ( UNEA)
This conference truly provides an intellectually stimulating environment to student delegates that helps them to engage in fruitful discussion and learn through experience, diplomacy, and debate.
In the end, Mr.Mohit shared his views on Climate change and the harmful effects of carbon emissions.
The sessions were captivating and were wonderfully highlighted by the delegates.
# Special Thanks to Our Principal Ms.Sanjana Bakshi Datta for her guidance and support.

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