Diwali Greetings & Message By Ms Rachna Pant, Principal at Ramjas School, RK Puram, New Delhi
Diwali Greetings & Message By Ms Rachna Pant, Principal at Ramjas School, RK Puram, New Delhi.
The K-12 community today is busy writing and shaping the destiny of millions of students today who are facing learning gaps owing to the unprecedented situation prevailing now. It’s a labour of love and call of duty. Several proactive initiatives have been set in motion engendered with the motive of creating learning out of these challenging circumstances. In the most recent history, this is the first time that holidays have extended from Holi to Diwali. This enforced isolation is now sprouting green shoots and a different learning graph is visible. The teaching community has picked up the mouse and dropped the chalk. Innovative, vibrant and a hybrid technology has slowly evolved. Technology has been embraced like never before. The mobile is no longer abused but rather used. The dynamics of learning have metamorphosed exponentially, uprooting in its wake several myths and debunking some deeply entrenched beliefs.
It’s time to celebrate now as the churning is almost over and the mentor and mentee have arrived at a delicate balance which is in harmony with and conducive to learning.The physical boundaries have melted and ironically distances have vanished. Contrary to the belief and logic, we have come even closer, practically into each other’s private spaces. We have learnt to tread carefully and draw lines. A new learning style has evolved born out of necessity but it may be here to stay in its residual form even when a modicum of normalcy is restored.
I can say it with pride that all the school leaders have converted this adversity into opportunity. The staff have risen to the occasion and carried on with aplomb. The parents who were on tenterhooks to begin with are a lot more relaxed and have placed their trust in the schools. As we inch closer to Diwali, despite the pandemic cloud looming large, the despair is clearly missing. The festive spirit is cautious but not subdued. There is a new-found confidence of being able to face and overcome whatever comes our way and an exultant feeling that we can and shall overcome.
With these mixed emotions I wish each one in this community a beautiful Deepavali, and pray for a resurgent and empowered return to normalcy where the lessons learnt would become a stepping stone to a future which is all about adapting to a fast changing world. We have done fairly well under the given constraints and genuinely feel that this festive time will collectively lead us to light and dispel every gloomy thought.
The initiative of K 12 news, will become news in its self. A news sans sensationalism and with a view to promote and seek learning under all circumstances. This reiterates our faith in the system and the calibre of our educationists and we pledge to keep the fire burning.
Happy Deepavali to all out there.
Ms. Rachna Pant
Ramjas School, RK Puram, New Delhi
About Ms Rachna Pant : Ms Rachna Pant is Principal of Ramjas School RKPURAM, New Delhi. She has been in the field of education for over 40 years and is a President Awardee apart from receiving many other awards which have been conferred on her . Mrs Pant has authored over 40 books for school children , her favourite set of books being those written for the rural belt of UP.
According to her there are no luffs or escalators to success but only stairs … each step a little higher, a little brighter.

Diwali Greetings & Message By Ms Rachna Pant, Principal at Ramjas School, RK Puram, New Delhi