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Little Flowers Sr Sec School got 2nd position during the State Republic Day Celebration

Little Flowers Sr Sec School got 2nd position during the State Republic Day Celebration

Little Flowers Public Sr Sec school got 2nd position among all the cultural events performed during the State Republic Day Celebration held at Chhatrasal Stadium on 25th January 2020 in the presence of Sh. Arvind Kejariwal, Hon’ble C.M. of Delhi. students of Little Flowers Public School, Yamuna Vihar and students of Little Flower Public SR. Sec. School Performed a colorful Rajasthani folk dance and mesmerized the viewers with their sprightly performance.

Heartiest congratulations to all the students, teachers and especially parents without whose continuous support it would not have been possible. Kudos to the students who had been practicing for around one and a half month for this grand celebration bearing extremities of weather.
Once again congratulations to all!

#LittleFlowersPublicSrSecSchool #CulturalEvents #Celebrations #LFPS #K12News #LatestschoolNews #StateRepublicDayCelebration

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