‘Saksham’ National Competition 2020-21: Painting, Essay Writing and Quiz Competition to promote awareness on Conservation of Petroleum Products for the students of classes VII to X
New Delhi: ‘Saksham’ National Competition 2020-21: Painting, Essay Writing and Quiz Competition to promote awareness on Conservation of Petroleum Products for the students of classes VII to X.
To raise awareness on the importance of fuel conservation and environmental protection,
Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural
Gas, Govt. of India is conducting ‘Saksham’ National Competition 2021-21 for school
children in an online mode during the period 04.01.2021 to 10.02.2021.
The following three competitions are being conducted for the students of classes VII to X:
1. Essay
2. Painting
3. Quiz for selecting School team and thereafter State and National level
The detailed guidelines for participation in the competition are attached and also available
at Detailed Guidelines www.pcracompetitions.org
Prize & Other Details Prize & Other Details
School Heads are requested to encourage maximum participation from their schools for this
National cause.
For any queries, the schools may contact PCRA Help Desk at 011-26715360 or email at

‘Saksham’ National Competition 2020-21: Painting, Essay Writing and Quiz Competition to promote awareness on Conservation of Petroleum Products for the students of classes VII to X