Schools to be reopened from 19 October for senior classes in Uttar Pradesh
As per the latest update all schools in the state of Uttar Pradesh will resume classes in a phased manner from October 19 and students will be called on alternate days. Deputy Chief Minister, Mr. Dinesh Sharma, who is also minister of secondary and higher education, announced that in the first phase, schools will reopen for class IX to XII. The classes will be held in two shifts and students will be called on alternate days. In the first shift, classes of IX and X will be held while in the second shift classes of XI and XII will be held. “Only 50% of the total students will be called in a single shift, the rest will be called the next day. Students wanting to attend classes will be allowed only after parents furnish written approval. “Initially, classes IX onwards will be resumed amid strict Covid safety protocol,” he added
Also, Mr. Dinesh Sharma mentioned that will mandatory for schools to have thermal scanners and various other medical facilities. Sanitization of the school campus, classes, washrooms and playgrounds daily and after one shift gets over. Social distancing is a must to be kept in mind and all the arrangements should be done accordingly. Earlier, particularly for Lucknow schools were supposed to be open from October 15 although now it will be from October 19.