“Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) organised ‘Trident ‘ the mythology quiz as a part of their Annual Quiz Fest at Delhi Public School(Indirapuram)
“Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) organised ‘Trident ‘ the mythology quiz as a part of their Annual Quiz Fest, ‘ ILLUME’ on 15th February 2020. 342 participants from different schools and colleges across Delhi and NCR participated in the online quiz. 18 teams were selected from the online quiz who made it to the semifinals at SRCC Team DPS Indirapuram comprising of Aditya Kandpal of class lXB and Ritwij Jha of class lXL bagged the first prize and were awarded a cash prize of rupees 5000. The quiz comprised of four rounds with questions ranging from Hindu, Norse and Greek mythology.”
#DelhiPublicSchoolIndirapuram #DPS #ShriRamCollegeofCommerce(SRCC) #TridentthemythologyquizasapartoftheirAnnualQuizFest #K12News #LatestSchoolNews