Small Steps Every Day – Ms Bindu Gupta
” A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Many people are afraid to take that first step. Why? Maybe the goal is too far away, there is too much that needs to be done and the exact path isn’t clear or maybe,because long-term goals aren’t accomplished in a single day.
The only way you’re going to accomplish something really big and ambitious, the kind of goal that will transform your life forever, is by consistently taking one small step at a time in the direction of your dreams.
Whatever your goal maybe, keep taking small steps towards reaching it and everyday will eventually yield major progress and often in much less time than you’d expect.
For example, let’s say you
( a student) want to start reading more.
Simply commit to reading two pages a day and by the end of the year, you’ll have read over 700 pages. That’s two or three books that you otherwise wouldn’t have read and learnt from.
So whatever your goals are, if you commit to small daily progresses, chances are you will be astounded by the results
Another effective way is to link positive new habits and behaviors to things you are already doing.
For example, one of my habit is, I always avoid the elevator and walk up one flight of stairs or down two flights of stairs. One of the hardest parts of taking positive steps toward your goals is getting in the habit of taking those small steps each and every day and making them a non-negotiable part of your schedule.
Always remember each tiny step you take is bringing you closer to your goal. While each step you DON’T take keeps you exactly where you are.
Another tip for you is to keep track of your activities and review your progress regularly. When you take time each week to review everything you have achieved,you will be amazed at how far you have come and you’ll be even more motivated to continue your journey.
While difficult, it is helpful to remember that you don’t have to start big to succeed.
There is great wisdom in starting small and growing big over time and likewise there is great wisdom in starting your journey to success one step at a time.
Little steps taken over time have the potential to make a difference because small steps and actions add up over time incrementally.
No step is too small so keep building on it.
Dream big and start small !