SOCIAL DISTANCING – What, Why and How? – Ms Bindu Gupta
SOCIAL DISTANCING – What, Why and How? – Ms Bindu Gupta
Social Distancing is a measure taken to prevent the spread of a contagious diseases by maintaining a physical distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each other. It involves keeping a distance of six feet or two meters from others and avoiding gathering together in large groups. This measure is more effective when the infectious disease spreads via droplet contact(Coughing or sneezing); direct physical contact, indirect physical contact ( eg by touching a contaminated surface) or airborne transmission.
We as individuals can take several measures to control the spread of the illnesses like:
Avoiding physical contact- Keeping a safe distance from each other and avoiding hugs and gestures that involve direct physical contact is important instead, greet people with a Namaste!
Steer clear of mass gatherings – The government and many private organizations have cancelled mass gatherings including sports events, concerts etc., but we should also take additional measures and avoid going out for films, parties, cafes,which might increase the potential for infectious disease.
Self-shielding- Limitface to face contacts, conduct / attend classes on line, avoidvisiting public places and reduce unnecessary travel
Social distancing while essential during these unprecedented times, can also have adverse effects on participants mental health. To avoidsuch stress we should try our best to avail the benefits of technological advancements and stay connected with our friends and loved ones.
Stay Home. Stay Safe and remember, we are all together apart!
Ms. Bindu Gupta
RPS International School
Sector-50, Gurugram, Haryana
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