Surbhi Nagar from GBN Sr Sec School Sector 21D Faridabad has won the Best Story Teller Awards During CBSE National Story Telling Competition’
Surbhi Nagar from GBN Sr Sec School Sector 21D Faridabad, has been Awarded best Story Teller in CBSE National Story Telling Competition.
Story weaves in the heart of a reader, the way rainbow fills vivid colours in the sky…..
It’s an ecstatic and euphoric moment to announce that Surbhi Nagar of Grade VIII C has won the CBSE National Storytelling Competition. She emerged as the winner among 9,600 participants who took part in the competition from all over India and also the neighboring countries. The mesmerizing storyteller enraptured the eminent judges and she was felicitated with a medallion and merit certificate.The strong determination and dedication has made the GBNite bring laurels to school. GBN’s undeniable efforts to nurture the hidden talent of each child has resulted in sparkling glory.May she continues to reach further pinnacles of glory!
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