Virtual Fancy Dress Competition – An Initiative by Delhi Public School, GBN, Expressway, Noida
Uttar Pradesh :
Virtual Fancy Dress Competition – An Initiative by Delhi Public School, GBN, Expressway, Noida
” Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.”
– Mason Cooley
The childs mind is like a canvas. It has potential to traverse spaces which are unexplored ! Keeping the above ethos in mind, Delhi Public School, GBN invites entries for Fancy Dress Competition.
Topic : Best out of waste
Children are required to dress up along with accessories using best out of waste material depicting the specific theme.
Category A – Classes Nursery and Prep(Age group 3-5 years)
Children are required to ramp walk for 30 seconds, flaunting their creativity.
Sub theme: Go Green
Category B – Classes 1 and 2 ( Age group 6- 7 years)
Children are required to ramp walk for 30 seconds, flaunting their creativity and describing their attire.
Sub theme: Swatchch Bharat
Category C – Classes 3 to 5( Age group 8-10 years)
Children are required to ramp walk for 30 seconds, flaunting their creativity and speaking their thoughts on their dress and importance of best out of waste.
Sub theme: Depict your future- What do you want to be?
Children will be judged on following parameters:
• Creativity
• Confidence
• Wow Factor
Note: Duration of videos should not be more than 45 seconds
Last date to submit entries:
*May 05,2020 *
Results will be announced on:
*May 10,2020 *
For Registration, Click Register

Virtual Fancy Dress Competition
#VirtualFancyDressCompetition #K12News #DPSGBN