“Nominate Now for India’s Biggest Education Event: Education Excellence Conclave 2022, Organized by EU Media!”

“Nominate Now for India’s Biggest Education Event: Education Excellence Conclave 2022, Organized by EU Media!”

Nominate for India’s Biggest Education Event, Education Excellence Conclave organised by EU Media

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the prestigious Education Excellence Conclave, scheduled on 9th September in Delhi. As a respected media partner, K12NEWS is proud to host this global event, bringing together the leaders of the education fraternity under one roof.

Event Details:

Date: 9th September 2022
Location: Delhi
Participants: Over 280 School Principals, Chairmen, and Directors
Supported By: Indian Gov., Sadguru, NSDC, SKILL India, NBT
Media Partners: Wednesday Times, K12NEWS

Components of the EEC:

  1. A) EEC Conference: Bringing together leading thinkers, policy makers & industry experts from across the globe who will discuss & explore the horizon under the 2 Parallel tracks (School Education & Higher Education) along with Industry presentations and special addresses in multiple sessions.
  2. B) EEC Awards: It aims to recognize, highlight, honor & encourage leading models/ projects/ processes of excellence and sustainable innovation in School, Higher Education & Corporate. It recognises global innovation and excellence in education.
  3. C) EEC Expo: We have over 50 exhibitors showcasing what’s new in education & technology, this is a chance to raise queries, compare suppliers and evaluate what’s best for your institution.

Please click on the link for file nomination formhttps://bit.ly/46EKsbq and There is no charge for Educator award Nomination.

Ms. Prachi Rawat
Journalist, K12NEWS
www.k12news.co.in , www.k12news.net

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