Art-Integrated Project for Classes I to X and Reporting of Implementation of Art- Education and Art-Integrated Learning by Schools - CBSE to Heads of all Schools Affiliated to CBSE
Art-Integrated Project for Classes I to X and Reporting of Implementation of Art- Education and Art-Integrated Learning by Schools – CBSE to Heads of all Schools Affiliated to CBSE
New Delhi 14th May 2020 : Art-Integrated Project for Classes I to X and Reporting of Implementation of Art- Education and Art-Integrated Learning by Schools – CBSE to Heads of all Schools Affiliated to CBSE.
To Know More, Click on the link: http://cbse.nic.in/newsite/attach/Art_Integration_Circular.pdf
#ArtIntegratedProjects #CBSE #ArtEducation #K12News
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