CBSE teachers award 2019-20 education minister felicitates 38 teachers principals
CBSE teachers award 2019-20 education minister felicitates 38 teachers principals

CBSE teachers award 2019-20 education minister felicitates 38 teachers principals

New Delhi : CBSE teachers award 2019-20 education minister felicitates 38 teachers principals

Central Board of Secondary Education has conducted the CBSE Teachers Award today, September 9, 2020. Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal felicitated 8 Teachers and Principals with the award. Each award consists of a Merit Certificate, a shawl and an amount of ₹50,000/-.Mr Sanjay Dhotre was also present at the ceremony.

The 38 awardees are Primary and, Middle-Level Teachers, Language teachers, Science, Social Science, Physical Education, Mathematics, Economics, IT, Fine Arts teachers, School Counsellors, Vice-Principals, and Principals.

All the teachers who had performed well in their sectors were felicitated. “The Board shall be holding ‘CBSE Teachers Award 2019-20’ function virtually on 9 September 2020 at 01:00 PM from Conference Room No. 112-C, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi,” read the official notice.

Watch Entire Ceremony : Click to Watch

Find List of Awardees : List of Awardees

#K12News #CBSETeachersAwards2020

ref: TmesNowNews

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