How schools can educate children to accept failures

How schools can educate children to accept failures

Failure is not always a bad thing. In fact, failure should be used as an opportunity to teach children that they can learn and grow from it. Competition in schools, and later in the real world, can have an adverse effect on children, which is that when they fail at a task, they are unable to cope with the anxiety that comes with it. Which is why it is becoming increasingly necessary for schools to teach students how to accept their failures and even in fact that they can benefit from them.

A child who is not able to appropriately balance the negative feelings that come with not having achieved their task, or failing at a task, will be filled with stress and anxiety. And oftentimes these feelings lead to children either acting out or worse, giving up on it. Which is why schools should instil values of resilience and perseverance in the kids.

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