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Rishit Rao of class 3rd from Bal Bharati Public School Rohini has become one of the youngest Game Developer certified by WhiteHat Junior
Rishit Rao of class 3rd from Bal Bharati Public School Rohini has become one of the youngest Game Developer certified by WhiteHat Junior

Rishit Rao of class 3rd from Bal Bharati Public School Rohini has become one of the youngest Game Developer certified by WhiteHat Junior

Rishit Rao of class 3rd from Bal Bharati Public School Rohini has become one of the youngest Game Developer certified by WhiteHat Junior , global online platform that harnesses children’s creativity through coding helping them create professional ready digital products.

He has been awarded the Certificate for Game Development with deep UI/UX Interface.The judgement panelists included scientists from IIT , Google , Intel , Microsoft and Amazon.

Rishit Rao of class 3rd from Bal Bharati Public School Rohini has become one of the youngest Game Developer certified by WhiteHat Junior

Rishit Rao of class 3rd from Bal Bharati Public School Rohini has become one of the youngest Game Developer certified by WhiteHat Junior

#rishitrao #balbharatipublicschoolrohini #youngestgamedevelopercertifiedbywhitehatjunior #K12News #LatestSchoolNews

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